Common types of refractive error in children include:myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and refraction deflection.

After studying for about 1 hour, you need to take 10-15 minutes to rest. When watching TV, playing video games should not exceed 60 minutes at a time. A safe distance for children is to sit 50 cm from the computer screen, at least 2m from the TV screen.

Common types of refractive error in children include:myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and refraction deflection.

Early signs and symptoms:

Parents, teachers and guardians should pay close attention to children while they are studying and doing activities to promptly detect the following signs:

- Because they can't see from far away, when they watch TV they often run close to see clearly, go to the board to see the words or copy your lesson.

- Or squint or tilt his head when watching TV or looking at a distant object.

- Reading or skipping, using fingers to track words when reading or reading very slowly compared to classmates.

- Or copy the wrong article, write the wrong word. Children with astigmatism often see blurred vision and "blur" when looking at the board, or misread letters such as letter H read letter N, letter B reads letter H, letter I read letter T ...

- Often rubs eyes even though the child is not sleepy.

- Eye fatigue, headache, watery eyes.


To prevent refractive error in children, the following conditions should be noted:

- The study place ensures enough light, should use filament lamps with reflections, or use neon lamps with 2 parallel bulbs.

- Study posture must be straight, with legs closed on the floor, head bowed 10-15 degrees.

- The writing on the board and in the notebook must be clear, not in red ink, green ink, not read books with too small letters, printed on yellow paper or black paper.

- After studying for about 1 hour, you need to take a break of 10-15 minutes. When watching TV, playing video games should not exceed 60 minutes each time. A safe distance for children is to sit 50 cm from the computer screen, at least 2m from the TV screen.

- Need to have good nutrition and reasonable for the eyes, get enough sleep from 8-10 hours a day. Nutrition should eat a lot of green vegetables, fruits to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamins for the body.

- Pay attention for your child to go for periodic checkup "eye health" every 6 months.